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13:35:38 ET
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Live In-Game
Terms & Conditions Terms
  1. is in no way responsible for agent/player disputes, fraudulent activity, lack of payment, or any other aspect of the agent/player relationship. provides a service to both players and agents with no financial responsibility to either.
  2. Any player's agent found to be participating in fraudulent activity (i.e. not paying players, deleted winning wagers, etc.), unfair practice or any other negative dealings which are not consistent with our policies, will result in an internal investigation.
  3. The Terms at conform very closely to those found at all Las Vegas sportsbooks, and are used to protect both our company and you, the bettor.
  4. All customers' accounts at are private and confidential, and all calls are recorded on tape and held for disputes for a period of 14 days.
  5. An analysis of website traffic allows to determine the behavior of its customers. The use of illegal software or bot abuse in the gaming software provided on is not allowed under any circumstance. A customer doing this will have his account immediately suspended and any winnings providing from this activities removed.
  6. All Clients must be at least 18 years of age.
  7. One account per person, MAX at EAG. Any violation of this rule may result in a loss of funds and permanent suspension of all accounts involved. Also, any wagers associated with said accounts may constitute NO ACTION.
  8. reserves the right to refuse any wager at any time, from any client without cause, and can refuse wagers from clientele who reside in states or provinces that prohibit sports wagering. International law is very complex, and we do not know the specific laws that may apply to you where you live. We operate under strict compliance with all local laws, and urge you access our site only if you feel that you are in compliance with yours.
  9. All Terms, Conditions, and payoffs listed in this publication are subject to change without prior written notice.
  10. Each client is required to identify himself by his account number and password on each call or login to EAG. The client has sole responsibility for their specific password and account number. Customers are responsible for any unauthorized use of their account. In the event that a third party places a bet or is thought to have placed a bet, said bet shall be valid, whether or not the alleged third party had the prior consent or knowledge of the customer. Under no circumstances will any bet be cancelled for that reason. In the event that a customer suspects that a third party may have it's password or username, the customer may at anytime ask that provide the customer with a new password and username.
  11. Account balances will reflect any wagers on future propositions or pending wagers.
  12. Customers at cannot risk more money than is available in their account. (Any soft limit excluded)
  13. All players are to confirm their wagers with the operator at the end of the call using their account number and password. It's the responsibility of the caller to listen to the read-back from the operator before confirming the wager. If, for some reason, the call is dropped before the process is completed but we have received a wager type, team(s) and amount, the bet will be a valid wager.
  14. No wagers can be cancelled once the caller confirms them and the call is concluded. The only manner in which a client can cancel a wager is to wager on the opposite side of the contest in which he initially wagered. (And lay the juice)
  15. On over/under wagers, over-time periods are included in the final score. Except in soccer matches.
  16. When wagering on half-time lines, the over-time period(s) will be included as a part of the second half.
  17. All minimums, maximum, and payout prices are subject to change without prior written notice.
  18. Maximum payout for any parlay is $20,000.
  19. All wagering disputes shall be resolved by the "read-back " from the recorded call and shall be ruled final.
  20. With regard to suspended games, protest games, or overturned decisions, follows Las Vegas gaming Terms for wagering purposes. Otherwise does not recognize suspended games, protests and overturned decisions for wagering purposes.
  21. All sporting events must be played on the schedule date. Exceptions to this rule are on a game by game basis and will be ruled action or not depending upon the decision made in Las Vegas. If an event is postponed and/or rescheduled or there is a change of venue, that event may constitute "no action", which means all monies for that event would be refunded (Unless Vegas Terms otherwise). All parlays/exotics will be recalculated excluding that leg of the parlay, using payout charts for that sport/betting option.
  22. All payoffs are calculated on the odds in effect at the time of the wager. (Except in the event of a pitching change in baseball, where the odds are recalculated)
  23. It is prohibited to parlay the same team with both the point spread and the money line.
  24. does not report your transactions to any financial institution or government agency. It is the client's sole responsibility to report any such information to the appropriate taxable jurisdiction.
  25. is not responsible for any misrepresentation by any client upon application for membership.
  26. is not responsible for clients who disclose their password and account number to other parties.
  27. The winner of an event, or game, will be determined on the date that the event is concluded.
  28. All wagers are in U.S. dollars.
  29. In the case of an obvious error on the posted line, scheduled time, or maximum wager, any wagers will be deemed as " NO ACTION ", and all money will be credited accordingly.
  30. Dates and kick-off times of events shown are for guidance purposes only. Bets will be accepted up to the advertised kick-off time. If for any reason a bet is inadvertently accepted after an event or match has started, the selection(s) affected may be deemed void.
  31. All future wagers are accepted as "ACTION"". In the event that the scheduled season is not completed or required numbers of games are not reached, all wagers on said event will result in "NO ACTION ". Please be sure to read all banners attached to the proposition for any additional Terms.
  32. Winners and losers are official after:
    • Football - NCAA & NFL - 55 minutes of play
    • Basketball - NBA - 43 minutes of play
    • Basketball - NCAA - 35 minutes of play
    • Hockey - NHL - 55 minutes of play
    • All other sporting events - 55 minutes of play
    • Overtime periods, quarters or extra innings are counted in the final score when wagering on totals, money lines and spreads, unless otherwise specified and with the exception of soccer lines including a quote for a draw.
    • On half time wagers, overtime periods are included as part of the second half.
    • Other sports: All other contests that involve a scheduled length of play time or time limit must be played to play to their conclusion or have five minutes or less of scheduled playing time remaining when the contest concludes to be considered official for wagering purposes.
Circled Games
  • CIRCLED games are not allowed in hook-ups. This means straight wagers only.
  • You cannot buy points on a CIRCLED game.
  • The reason a game is put into a CIRCLE is due to an unknown status of a key player or players. Once the information about the player or players is released, we will release the CIRCLE allowing normal wagering to resume.
Internet Terms
  1. You should determine whether or not EAG's services are permitted under the laws of your jurisdiction.
  2. Account balances must be verified by the player on each Internet login prior to wagering. When you verify and accept your account balance, you agree that all previous transactions are correct and you do not have any claims. Claims or disputes must be settled at this time. For disputes, claims, additional account information, or to report account discrepancies, contact Customer Service at 1-877-BET-EAGLE or by email to [email protected].
  3. All Internet transactions are logged and backed-up regularly. In any and all cases of dispute, both management and the player agree that the log backup shall serve as the final authority in the dispute and that all wagers will be adjusted accordingly. Claims must be lodged within five days from the date the wager was made. No claims will be honored after this five-day period. Players are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all account transactions. In order to log an internet claim the customer must provide a valid ticket# which is given for every internet play.
  4. Any manipulation of prices and or spread will result in the ticket being marked a loser.
Football Terms

NFL General Terms

Bets are considered official after 55 minutes of play. If 55 minutes of play is not conducted, a bet on the team is treated as no action, and a parlay bet will be reduced accordingly.

Bets on 1st, 2nd half's and all quarters will be considered action upon completion of the period in question.

Bets on spread, money line, totals for the whole game and all bets on second half's always include overtime scoring. Bets for 4th quarter do not include overtime scoring.

NFL Props

NFL – Team to SCORE FIRST: First team to score in the game. If a team scores and the game is canceled or postponed afterward, all wagers stand regardless of how many minutes have been played.

NFL – Team to SCORE LAST: Must be an official game (55 minutes of play). If the game goes into overtime, the team that scores last will be the winner.

NFL - SCORE IN THE FIRST 7 ½ MINUTES: 7½ minutes must be played. If the game is canceled or postponed after 7½ minutes of play all wagers stand.

NFL - TOTAL 1st HALF POINTS vs. TOTAL 2nd HALF POINTS: Must be an official game (55 minutes of play) and includes overtime.

NFL - FIRST SCORING PLAY (touchdown or FG/safety): If a team scores and the game is canceled or postponed afterward, all wagers stand regardless of how many minutes have been played.

3 UNANSWERED SCORES- Extra points or 2 point conversions do NOT count.

PLAYER PROPS- All players must take the field and play for action. Results are based on the official stats from the game. (Unless otherwise specified)

Football Payoffs.

Any PUSH in a teaser results in the entire play being a LOSS

Wagering on Football

Football Spread Wager

This wager is made when you choose a team and the point spread. The cost of the wager is 10/11 or $110 to win $100.

Miami Dolphins -17
Denver Broncos +7

If the straight wager is on the Dolphins -7 then the Dolphins must win by 8 or more points for it to be a winner.

If the straight wager is on the Broncos +7 then the Broncos cannot lose by more than 6 points for it to be a winner.

If the game lands on 7 points, then the game is a "PUSH" and will result in "NO ACTION".

Football Totals (Over/Under)

This is a wager on the combined scores (total) of both teams in a game.
If you place a wager for UNDER 38, the combined total score of both teams must fall UNDER 38 pts.


If you place a wager for OVER 38, the combined total score of both teams must go OVER 38 points.
If the combined total score falls on 38 points, the wager is a ‘PUSH' and there is ‘NO ACTION'.

Football Money Line Wager

Baltimore Ravens vs. Atlanta Falcons
Total 38

With this type of wager you stipulate which team is going to win. Disregarding the point spread.

Miami Dolphins -280
Denver Broncos +240

If you wager on Miami -280 you lay $280 to win $100.
If you wager on Denver +240 you lay $100 to win $240.

The payout in a 2 team parlay is 13/5 this means you are risking $100 to win $260. In case of a tie or no action the parlay will revert to the lower level payoff, except in a 2 team parlay where a tie reverts to a straight bet. (Remember, you cannot lose more than your original wager amount in a parlay. So if you had a 2 team parlay for $100 with a PUSH and it reverted to a straight bet, it would be risking $100 to win $91)

Football Teaser Wager

This is a wager in which 2 to 4 teams are selected together in one wager with an adjusted point spread. In a teaser you can add points to the sides or mix both sides and totals adding to or subtracting from the totals. If one selection loses or pushes the teaser is considered a loss.


Odds +6 ½ pt +7 pts
2 Team 6 pts FB -120 -130 -140 Ties lose
3 Team 10 pts FB -120 n/a n/a Ties lose
4 Team 12 pts FB -120 n/a n/a Ties lose


2 team teaser 7 points for $100:
Green Bay 7+7 pts the teased line is now "pick"
Denver Broncos over 38-7 points the teased line is now "over 31"

Football Parlay Wager

This play is a selection of multiple teams (2-10 teams) in no particular order, all in one play. All teams must win by the point spread margin. The more teams in the parlay, the greater the payoff.

The payout in a 2 team teaser for 7 points is 10/14 In this case you will lay $140 to win $100.

Parlay Odds
2 Teams 13/5
3 Teams 6/1
4 Teams 10/1
5 Teams 20/1
6 Teams 40/1
7 Teams 75/1
8 Teams 150/1
9 Teams 300/1
10 Teams 600/1

Note: Maximum parlay payout is $ 20,000


2 Team Parlay for $100
Miami Dolphins -7
Kansas City Chiefs +2½

The payout in a 2 team parlay is 13/5 this means you are risking $100 to win $260. In case of a tie or no action the parlay will revert to the lower level payoff, except in a 2 team parlay where a tie reverts to a straight bet. (Remember, you cannot lose more than your original wager amount in a parlay. So if you had a 2 team parlay for $100 with a PUSH and it reverted to a straight bet, it would be risking $100 to win $91).


½ point Lay -120
1 point Lay -130

For every half point you buy, you get charged 10 cents.

Buying onto/off of/or thru a 3 in NFL and NCAA Football
NCAA -110 surcharge to BUY onto, off of or thru a 3.
NFL -110 surcharge to BUY onto, off of or thru a 3.


Arizona +6
Dallas -6

To wager on Dallas -5½ you would wager $120 to win $100.
To wager on Dallas -5 you would wager $130 to win $100.
To wager on Arizona +6½ you would wager $120 to win $100.
To wager on Arizona +7 you would wager $130 to win $100


Washington Redskins -3½

To wager on Washington Redskins @ -3, you would wager $130 to win $100.

To wager on Washington Redskins @ -2½, you would wager $140 to win $100.

Basketball Terms

Basketball Teasers

Odds +6 ½ pt +7 pts
2 Team 6 pts NBA / NCAA -120 -130 -140 Ties lose
3 Team 10 pts NBA / NCAA -120 n/a n/a Ties lose
4 Team 12 pts NBA / NCAA -120 n/a n/a Ties lose

Any PUSH in a teaser results in the teaser being a LOSS

Wagering on Basketball

Basketball Straight Wager

This wager is made when you choose a team and the point spread. The cost of the wager is 10/11 or $110 to win $100.


Toronto Raptors +6
Chicago Bulls -6

If the straight wager is on the Bulls -6 then the Bulls must win by 7 or more points for the wager to win.

If the straight wager is on the Raptors +6 then the Raptors cannot lose by more than 5 points for the wager to win.

If the game lands on 6 points then the game is a "PUSH" and will result in "NO ACTION"

Basketball Totals (Over/Under)

This is a wager on the combined scores (total) of a game. You can bet on either over or under the total combined points. The cost of the wager is 10/11.


Dallas Mavericks vs. Indiana Pacers
Total 178

If you place a wager for UNDER 178, the combined total score of both teams must fall UNDER 178 pts.

If you place a wager for OVER 178, the combined total score of both teams must go OVER 178 pts.

If the combined total score falls on 178 points the wager is a "PUSH" and there is "NO ACTION".

Basketball Money Line Wager

With this type of wager, you pick which team is going to win. Disregarding the point spread.


Orlando Magic -280
Houston Rockets +240

If you wager on Orlando -280 you lay $280 to win $100.

If you wager on Houston +240 you lay $100 to win $240.

Basketball Parlay Wagers

This play is a selection of teams in no particular order, in one play. All teams must win by the point spread margin. The more amount of teams, the greater the payoff.


Team parlay for $100
Portland Trail Blazers +4
San Antonio Spurs -10

The payout in a 2 team parlay is 13/5 this means you are risking $100 to win $260. In case of a tie or no action the parlay will revert to the lower level payoff, except in a 2 team parlay where a tie reverts to a straight bet.

Basketball Teaser Wagers

This is a wager in which 2 to 4 teams are selected together in one wager with an adjusted point spread. In a teaser you can add points to the sides or mix both sides and totals adding or subtracting to the totals. If one selection loses or pushes the teaser is considered a loss.


2 team teaser 5 points for $100
Lakers +4(+5) pts the teased line is now +9
Knicks -3(+5) pts the teased line is now +2

The payout in a 2 team teaser for 5 points is 10/12 In this case you will lay $120 to win $100.

PLAYER PROPS- All players must take the court and start for action. Unless otherwise specified, results are based on the official stats from the game.

TEAM TOTAL AND SPECIAL SPREADS- The game must be completed up to within 5 minutes of normal duration.

Baseball Terms

Official Game Time

Winners and Losers are official after 5 innings of play unless the home team is leading after 4 ½ innings. If a game is called or suspended, the score after the last full inning determines the winner. If the home team scores to tie - or takes the lead in the bottom half of the inning— the score at the time the game is called determines the winner. Monies will be refunded if the home team ties the game and it is then suspended. Events will not carry over to the following day (unless otherwise specified). does not recognize suspended games, protests, overturned decisions, etc. for wagering purposes.

When wagering on the total runs (over/under) the game must go 9 innings (8 ½ if the home team is ahead) to have action. Wagers on total runs will be refunded if a pitcher change occurs prior to both listed pitchers throwing at least one pitch. Terms for the run line wagers are the same as those for baseball totals.

Pitcher Selection

Baseball wagers will be accepted in the following manner:

Action: Team against team, regardless of the starting pitcher. "Action" wagers will be computed by the opening price with the new pitcher. A pitcher is deemed a starting pitcher after throwing one pitch.

One specified pitcher: A wager where you pick only 1 pitcher and do not care who the other starting pitcher is. The pitcher you list MUST start in order for your wager to have "Action".

Both specified pitchers (listed): If starting pitchers are not exactly as listed on wagering display board and/or your ticket, your wager will be deemed "no action".

Note: If there is a pitching change prior to the game, money odds may be adjusted. If one scheduled pitcher starts against any unscheduled pitcher, "action" wagers will be computed by the opening price with the new pitcher. A pitcher is deemed a starting pitcher after throwing one pitch.

Baseball Props
  1. First 5 full Innings:
    When wagering on the "First 5 full innings" lines, both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change all wagers will be no action. If both teams are tied, wagers on sides will be considered a push and the wagers on the total will have action. Both teams must bat 5 full innings for action.
  2. Second Halfs
    Bets are based on the score from the top of the 6th inning till the end of the game. Must be a complete game (i.e. 9 innings, or 8½ innings if the home team is ahead). Wagers include extra innings.
    All wagers are action, regardless of pitcher.
  3. Player Props:
    All players must start for action (unless otherwise specified). All players must have at least 1 at bat (note walks count), and the game must go 8½ innings with the home team winning. When wagering on player props both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change all wagers will be no action.
  4. Team to score first:
    When wagering on "Team to score first", both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change, all wagers will be no action. The "Team to score first" prop has action as soon as a team scores.
  5. Team total Runs:
    When wagering on "Team total runs", both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change, all wagers will be no action. The game must go a minimum of 8½ innings with the home team winning.
  6. Hits and Home Runs props:
    When wagering on Hits and/or Home Runs, both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change all wagers will be no action. The game must go a minimum of 8½ innings if the home team is winning.
  7. Alternative Run Lines:
    When wagering on "Alternative Run Lines", both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change all wagers will be no action. The game must go a minimum of 8½ innings with the home team winning.
  8. Total Runs, Hits, and Errors:
    When wagering on Total Runs, Hits, and Errors both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change all wagers will be no action. The game must go a minimum of 8½ innings with the home team winning.
  9. Inning by Inning:
    When wagering on Inning by Inning both listed pitchers must start. In case of a pitching change all wagers will be no action. Innings will be graded on an inning by inning basis (6 outs must be recorded in the inning for it to be graded), the only exception being that in the 9th inning the home team does not need to bat unless they are losing.
  10. MLB Grand Salami:
    All games must go a minimum of 8½ innings for this prop to have action.
  11. Will there be a score in the first inning:
    Prop will be graded as soon as the first inning ends, and bets are action regardless of game suspension or postponement.
  12. Baseball Series Prices:
    Series price wagers are all based upon THE FIRST 3 GAMES of a series ONLY.(REGULAR SEASON ONLY)
    If there is a rainout and only 2 games have been played, there will still be action. (If the series is tied 1-1, that will be the result of the series, a PUSH) If there is a rainout and they reschedule the game, as long as it is played by the time appointed in the banner, it WILL count toward the series. Pitching changes DO NOT affect baseball series wagers.
    A called game will count toward a series wager provided it is declared an official regulation game.
All other

All wagers are based on listed pitchers.

Wagering on Baseball

Money Line Wagering

Wagering on baseball is done by risking more money than the win amount on favorites (Mets) or risking less to win more on dogs or underdogs (teams not favored to win).


Mets -140
Reds +120

If you wager on the Mets -140 you lay $140 to win $100.

If you wager on the Reds +120 you lay $100 to win $120.

Totals Over/Under ( This wager is ALWAYS " Listed Pitchers")

There is a standard 20 cent line.


Mets 7 over -120
7 under Even Money

If you take the Mets over 7 runs you lay $120 to win $100.

If you take the Reds under 7 you lay $100 to win $100 (even money).

The team doesn't matter. You are only wagering on the total runs of the game.

Run Line Wagering ( This wager is ALWAYS " Listed Pitchers)"

A baseball Run Line wager is a combination of the point spread and the money line. The team wagered on must win by the point spread while the amount wagered is determined by the money line odds.


Braves -1 1/2 +130
Pirates +1 1/2 -150

If you wager on the Braves you must win by 2 or more runs. You would lay $100 to win $130.

If you wager on the Pirates they cannot lose by 2 or more runs. You would lay $150 to win $100.

Cricket Rules:

All wagers will be settled using the official result as declared by the relevant governing body of the match or competition concerned.

If a match venue is changed then bets already placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such. If the home and away team for a listed match are reversed then bets placed based on the original listing will be void.

If a match is postponed due to rain and is played within 24 hours in the same venue all bets placed will stand providing the home team is still designated as such.

If a match is abandoned due to outside interference, bets on the outcome for the total of the game are voided, if no winner is declared from the official site all bets on the winner of the match are voided.

Where no price is quoted for the tie and the official competition rules do not determine a winner then all wagers will be graded cancelled. In competitions where a bowl out or super over determines a winner, then bets will be settled on the official result.
In case the game did not go for at least for the official amount of overs, all bets on the outcome for the over/under are voided.
In case the game did not go for at least the official amount of overs, all bets on the outcome for the winner of the match are settled based on the official announcement.

In the case of the game ending in a draw, all bets on the outcome for the result for the match will be voided.

A Fifty to Be scored in the Match

The following minimum number of overs must be scheduled, and there must be an official result (Duckworth - Lewis counts) otherwise all bets are void, unless settlement is already determined. For settlement purposes any batsman’s score of 50 or above will count.

  • Twenty20 Matches - The full 20 overs for each team.
  • One Day Matches - At least 40 overs for each team.
A Hundred to Be Scored in the Match

The following minimum number of overs must be scheduled, and there must be an official result (Duckworth - Lewis counts) otherwise all bets are void, unless settlement is already determined.

  • Twenty20 Matches - The full 20 overs for each team.
  • One Day Matches - At least 40 overs for each team.

Test and First Class Matches - The whole match counts. In drawn matches there must be a minimum of 200 overs bowled.

1st Wicket Method

The options available are:- Caught, Bowled, LBW, Run Out, Stumped and Any Other. Bets will be settled on the 1st wicket to fall in the match. If no wicket falls during the match then all bets will be void.

Man of the Match

Bets will be settled on the officially declared man of the match.

1st Over Total Runs

Prices will be offered for the total runs scored during the 1st innings of the match. Extras and penalty runs will be included. The over must be completed for bets to stand unless settlement is already determined.

Most Match Sixes

If a match is abandoned due to outside interference then all bets will be void, unless settlement is already determined. If a match is reduced in overs and a match result is reached then the team that hits the most sixes regardless of amount of overs faced will be the winners. For settlement purposes this is all deliveries from which a batsman is credited with exactly six runs (including All-run/Overthrows). In matches decided by a Super-Over, sixes hit during the Super-Over will not count for settlement purposes.

Outside interference does not include weather events.

Top Batsman/Bowler

Bets placed on any player not in the starting 11 or nominated as the designated substitute 12th man are void. Bets on players who are selected but do not bat or field will be settled as losers. Dead-heat rules apply.

The following number of minimum overs must be bowled unless All Out or match has been completed, otherwise bets void.

One Day Internationals - 20 overs

  • Pro40 - 10 overs
  • Friends Provident Trophy - 20 overs
  • Ryobi Cup - 20 overs
  • Twenty20 Cup - 6 overs

In event of two or more players ending on an equal number of wickets then the bowler with the least number of runs conceded will be deemed the winner. Dead-heat rules apply.

Hockey Terms

Minimum Time for Action:
  • Hockey games must go at least 55 minutes to have action.
  • For wagering purposes, winners and losers are determined by the final score, provided that the game has gone the minimum time as specified above.
  • For wagering on games in the National Hockey League, the final score includes overtime and shoot-outs.
  • If a game is suspended after the minimum time has been played and not resumed the same day, then regardless of whether the game is completed at a later date, the score when the game is halted will determine the betting results.
  • If play is suspended before the minimum time has been reached and not resumed the same day, all bets will be scored as 'no action' and all monies refunded.
Additional Terms:
  • does not sell points in hockey wagers.
  • Regarding totals: If the game ends in overtime tied and goes to a shootout, the winner of the shootout will be credited with one extra goal. This means there will be no more ½ goal lines in hockey. Additionally, this means there will be no more ties in hockey.
  • Unless noted before a contest, all events must be played on the scheduled date and at the scheduled site to have action.
  • does not offer teasers in hockey.
  • Las Vegas wagering Terms will apply to any situations not covered herein.
First Period Wagers:
  • Wagers are official once the first period is completed, whether or not the game is played completely
NHL Props
  • All players must play for action (unless otherwise specified)
  • Personal Player Stats and other Stats achieved during an NHL Shootout are not taken into account for certain proposition bets, for example: Player Total Shot on Goals, Player Total Points, Player Total Goals, Team to Score First, Team to Score Last.
  • Goals and Assists, each goal and each assists count as one point
Horsebook Terms
  • The management of reserves the right to restrict the amount of, any bet, on any track, at any time, if so desired.
  • After the management verifies the results of the race, if it is found that the wager was past-posted (anytime after the "OFFICIAL GATE TIME" even if it 1 second beyond), your wager will then be disqualified from any winnings, and your original bet will be placed back in your account.
  • There are no house odds. If there are no track payoffs for a certain type of wager, all wagers on that type will be refunded.
  • Any attempt to play negative pool hedges will result in account suspension
  • is not Pari-Mutuel, so your plays do not affect the track odds!
  • The maximum risk on any straight wager is $1000 ( $1000 across max.).
  • The maximum risk on any exotic is $500 (daily doubles, exactas, trifectas).
  • Odds may vary by agent, please consult your agent for your horse pay-out information.